✿ Welcome ✿

My name is Cadinth or Alena! My pronouns are she/her/any.

I enjoy content creation as a hobby and a way to make friends! With my wide range of tastes and interests, I figured I'd give a shot at creating a blog curated to things I enjoy and want others to know about! From things to games, anime, comics, stream recommendations and more, I hope you learn something here!

✿ Posts ✿

A story-based video game that is targeted towards women, the main idea/goal, is to develop a romantic relationship between female main character and one of the male, secondary lead characters.
Synonyms: Maiden Game, Otoge, Reverse Harem

  1. ✿ MC ✿

    Also known as the heroine, is the main character or protagonist of the game. In otome games, the MC is usually female.
  2. ✿ LI ✿

    Love interest The characters that the protagonist has a relationship with. In otome games, they are usually male.
  3. ✿ OELVN ✿

    Original English language visual novel
  4. ✿ CGs ✿

    Computer graphics; The reward image that is unlocked when completing a specific scene or requirement. It is usually full screen and highly stylized, featuring the MC and her chosen LI in a specific pose or situation.
  5. ✿ VN ✿

    Visual novel, like otome, this is a general term for any story based game. Most if not all otome games are visual novels but not all visual novels are otome games.
  6. ✿ FD ✿

    Fandisk or Fan Disc, is supplemental content released to supplement an existing game. FDs can feature additional storylines, CGs, music, minigames, etc; anything that expands on an existing game title.
  7. ✿ BGM ✿

    Background Music, it’s the music that plays throughout the game.
  8. ✿ Routes ✿

    Storylines/situations specific to a particular love interest or ending/outcome. Some games have multiple routes each with their own branching storylines, while others feature a more linear plot progression.
  9. ✿ Good End/Bad End ✿

    Final outcomes for a game or route. Some games/routes may have one end, while others have multiple obtainable endings (Good, Bad, Normal, Alone, etc.).
  1. MC or heroine is a character that serves as the in-game proxy for the player, typically these characters don’t have a well-defined personality or backstory allowing the player to superimpose themselves into the game through her.
  3. Players alter the course of the story by making decisions in the form of various action and dialogue choices that appear at regular intervals throughout the story.
  5. “Correct” choices will result in a favorable outcome, a Good/Happy End, with the players chosen love interest, while “incorrect” choices will result in an unfavorable outcome, a Bad End. Occasionally games will also have a “normal” ending.
  7. Some games feature a route-based system, where players can romance one love interest at a time, while the other love interests are regulated to supporting cast members.
  9. While other games feature a free for all gameplay style where in-game choices are used to determine which character you end up with at the end of the game rather than just the quality of the ending.
  11. This means who you romance or who you end up with at the end of the route is dependent on your dialogue choices and whose affection you have raised based on your choices.
  13. Some otome games also have a locked romanceable character route (sometimes secret, sometimes not) that is only unlocked and playable after a certain milestone like unlocking ALL CG’s of all the other characters, or completing every route of the other characters, or playing at least one route of all the other characters.
  15. Typically these “secret routes” are either canon characters (that are usually the most popular) OR they are the “rip your heart out” route where you question reality, ask god if he exists, and hope it’s over quickly 😊

  • Now that some of the basics are out of the way, welcome to my little otome blog! It’s going to be a single blog, short and sweet blog post about my love of otome games and a regularly updating list of otome games I know of on the second page! If you ever have any questions, message me anywhere!

  • Escape

  • I’m not sure WHEN or how I fell into otome games but one day I suddenly had 10 otomes in my backlog and it all started with the PS Vita!! The one thing I will never regret is finding a lone PS Vita, the last one in stock, due to be phased out of production and sale in a matter of days, and impulse purchasing it. My journey of love for otome games started there!

  • Escape

  • My first ever otome game was probably Amnesia and I’m 50% sure I never finished it but by then, I think I KNEW I had started something I could never return from. For the most part, I was casual about it until I bought my second ever otome, Collar X Malice (which is my favorite to this day). After finishing ALL the routes in CXM, I knew I was in trouble (my wallet mostly). My second was Code Realize which is equally as good but I think CXM has a special place in my heart.

  • Escape

  • And as much as I love Collar X Malice, I would not recommend it as your FIRST otome game. If I were to recommend ANY otome game I would say Amnesia is a good start as it’s simple, straightforward, and not intense enough to really drive away from the otome elements (don’t quote me on this I never finished it). And as at weird as it is, Hatoful Boyfriend is another good one if you can get past all the pigeons (I did).

  • Escape

  • If you are here for mobile game recommendations, I am sorry to say that I don’t have any besides Mystic Messenger! After trying a few mobile games and needing to grind hours upon hours or spending micro-transactions to buy points or different routes, I was just personally deterred from the mobile platform and I ended up sticking to full games on Vita, PC, and Switch.

  • Escape

  • As an otome lover with a backlog in the millions (fake), my personal style/process of completing a game is first going into the game fresh and baby eyed (not reading any playthroughs or suggested route order etc). As any person would with a new game wanting no spoilers! This allows me to personally experience the game without any outside knowledge or influence. I leave my fate up to the otome gods and hope I get a cute romantic ending.

  • Escape

  • After my first playthrough I hopefully I have a grasp of all the characters and have a list in my mind of which characters I want to play through first and I will look up walkthroughs for each character (normally walkthroughs have dialogue choices for each desired ending).

  • Escape

  • Depending on the game, I will play each character’s route in full by playing ALL their endings (good, bad, normal). On the rarer side, I will play all of the good endings of every character in full, then all the normal endings of each character, then all the bad endings (but man going through all the bad endings at once is NOT FUN, so I normally don’t do this or I’ll just stop playing the game LMAO – disrespectfully looks at Dramatical Murder).

  • Escape

  • I will say though, I talk a lot about how much I love otome games but after Collar X Malice and Code Realize, I haven’t played or finished a game since and I’m hoping to change that soon!

  • Escape

  • My fear of “missing out” on content creation and wanting to play the game but not stream it but not wanting to play it unless I made content really put me off from playing them again and I’m hoping blogging and reviewing will help me with that slump!

I think that’s all the word vomit I have for now on Otome Games! If you want to know more or have any specific questions, message me on any platform!

My Favorites
✿ Collar X Malice [PS Vita, Switch]
✿ Code Realize [PS Vita, Switch]

Top 5 for Newbies
✿ Amnesia [PS Vita, PC, Switch]
✿ Norn9 [PS Vita, Switch]
✿ Hatoful Boyfriend [PS Vita, PC]

Top 5 Worst
✿ Bad Apple Wars [PS Vita]
✿ Period Cube: Shackles of Amadeus [PS Vita]

Multiple Platforms:
✿ Amnesia [PS Vita, PC, Switch]

PS Vita:
✿ Bad Apple Wars
✿ London Detective Mysteria
✿ Period Cube: Shackles of Amadeus
✿Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
✿ Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
✿ 7’scarlet
✿ Sweet Fuse: At Your Side [Digital]

✿ Hatoful Boyfriend
✿ KFC Dating Sim
✿ Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds [PS Vita, PC]
✿ Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms [PS Vita, PC]

✿ Code: Realize: Guardian of Rebirth [PS Vita, Switch]
✿ Code Realize: Future Blessings [PS Vita, Switch]
✿ Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles [PS Vita, Switch]
✿ Norn9: Var Commons [PS Vita, Switch]

✿ Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom [PSP, PS Vita Digital, iOS/Android]
✿ Hakuoki: Warriors of the Shinsengumi [PSP, PS Vita Digital]


Hand-drawn and computer-generated animation originating from Japan. Outside of Japan and in English, anime refers specifically to animation produced in Japan.